So this is a blog!

Hello to anyone reading this! This is my blog which I'm writing to look at things that take my fancy with a Christian twist, I am nowhere near the last authority on any of this, that's the Bible, God's word, but I thought I'd share my thoughts so that you might have something to think about or share with friends.

God Bless

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 10: Rediscovery

I'm not writing about rediscovery because I've rediscovered God today but rather so that if I do sit down one day and forget what God has done I can look back and go "Yeah, that's my God!" We have in front of us one of the most amazing people that we will ever meet, Jesus. He is there whenever we need Him and loves us all personally. Yet if we are honest with ourselves we don't do nearly enough because of that love. I understand we don't actually have to do anything anymore to gain acceptance into Heaven but why should we be stopping after receiving that gift? Surely we are driven by a desire to fulfill that love and do things for Him.
I have a friend who is meant to enthuse in prayer at my university and there is something he says every now and again that really does make this point. My university holds the second largest Christian union in England but we "consider it a victory when 5 people turn up to pray", now I'm not sure about you but that hits me where it hurts. Sure we can't turn up to everything, I don't really make it up in time for 8 am prayer but shouldn't we be taking every opportunity to pray? Here's the answer.
We aren't just called to pray to God, we aren't told by Paul to do it because it something nice, something which as a Christian we do. We are instinctively called to pray because it is part of our spiritual nature to want to access and talk to the perfect man, the person who saved us by conquering death and loved us so much that He did despite the suffering it would cause Him. We have to rediscover a passion for Jesus in our every second lives. All to often I have thought got my one Christian thing for today that's all good, got my bible reading too, I'm sorted. That's wrong of me, my day to day life, and yours, should be seen not as how much you did every day for Jesus, how much was dedicated to Him but rather how much did you do every second, how many seconds were dedicated to Him. If it's less than all we've fallen short. Now here's the cool part, we will always fall short. What that's not cool? Oh I forgot to add, " and it doesn't matter" but even so we should be aiming to give as much as we can to Him, for Him, with Him because that is how we respond to His love given freely to us.
Okay I may end up sticking to prayer too much here but isn't it amazing what He has done for us. I know in the past year and a half I've seen Him get me through weeks without me spending anything, heal friendships, bring people I never would have thought of asking to events, control the weather (you may be skeptical but I'm rooting for God on them) and change the way I think. That is but a small, minute portion of what He can do, so really why aren't I giving Him more of my time? I suppose because I'm lazy, it's a part of me I haven't changed yet but I'd like to think I'm slowly getting better at it.

Lord, thank you for all you've done for me, don't let me ever forget that. I pray for my prayer life and prayer events on campus, I pray that you'll increase them both so that your will and presence can be felt in this world. I mean "What if we prayed?" would we then not be filled with the strength of the Creator and will we not vanquish our fears and the obstacles Satan may put in front of us. Help me to pray more Lord, help this world to pray more to You for the World, for this nation, for our city, for our campus Lord. We can but ask that your will is carried out and people start humbling themselves looking for your strength to fill them n everything they do. Thank you again for all you have done so far in my life, let me not forgot it and You in everything I strive to do. Amen
 So yeah I suppose what turned out to talk about not forgetting what He has done for us changed into rediscovery your passion for God, especially in your prayer life. What can I say but that shouldn't we all be seeking to come into the presence of the Creator, the Almighty, the True Living God more than we already anyway otherwise what a chance we are letting slip away!

God Bless.

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