So this is a blog!

Hello to anyone reading this! This is my blog which I'm writing to look at things that take my fancy with a Christian twist, I am nowhere near the last authority on any of this, that's the Bible, God's word, but I thought I'd share my thoughts so that you might have something to think about or share with friends.

God Bless

Monday, April 2, 2012

Church 1: It is finished

So first of my church ones, I'm hoping to reiterate what was taught at church doing the mass.
So today's was all about what God did for us and the fact it was finished.
The reading was from Mark 15: 33-47 and Colossians 1: 15-23 read by a guy who sounds like Sean Connery, so it was slightly awesome.
So we start with Jesus death on the cross, where else really? Well in reality we start by trying to understand how much suffering Jesus really went through and so begin before the cross. Before Jesus even began His trip to Golgotha, He was subjected to immense pain whilst being beaten by the Jewish high priests at the time, also known as the Sanhedrin. He was whipped by Pontius Pilate's men, who, it is claimed, could have such proficiency with a whip they could tear to flesh from the backs of men with ease. This all He suffered whilst having barely any sleep due to the agony of what He was going through. Yet on top of all of this He had a crown of thorns thrust upon His head and was forced to carry His own cross across Jerusalem to Golgotha and His crucifixion.
As an interesting sidenote some notes suggest that the whipping before the crucifixion was something that was usually reserved for slaves, or rather the lowest of the low, to add more pain to the crucifixion itself. Which in it's own way shows that Jesus was subjected to the same pain that the lowest of the low would have undergone in that era.
So anyway Jesus gets to the cross battered, bruised, cut up and exhausted but that is not the last of the pain He bears for us. Crucifixion was an art of sorts, it was the most efficient way of torturing someone to death. The crucified would have their arms pulled out of their sockets and all their weight would bear down on their torso causing them to asphyxiate.
That's the physical pain, He also endured the mental and emotional pain of all our sin being put on Him and being cut off from the Father but I to explain it all I would have to write a section longer than above but the pain was probably greater in many ways than the physical pain.
So now you might be wondering why I just explained all the pain Jesus went through, well it's because Jesus endured all that and at the end He said "It is finished!" Not an exhausted, defeated "I'm out" type of "It is finished", but rather an "I've won!" type of "It is finished!" Jesus knew at His death that He had conquered death and had paid the price for our sin and that He was victorious in this world. All this when mere moments before the world had been cast into darkness, Jesus was calling out to God by calling Him "God", not "Abba, Father" but "God" possibly the only time He does in the gospels. All of the wonder of his victory right after the greatest darkness.
This is great news because we now know without any doubt that it is finished, nothing more needs to be done for our salvation because we cannot do anymore since it is finished. That's how we come on to the second reading from Colossians.
The grace given to us by Jesus is by nothing we have done and as I just said by nothing we will or can do but by the actions of Jesus Christ on the cross. That grace is offered freely to us and all we can do is accept Jesus into our lives but even then what are we doing but opening our heart, He's doing all the entering our souls, He's the one changing our lives, even then we do nothing.
I suppose it really is humbling to know that Jesus did everything for us and that we really cannot do anything to save ourselves at all. So I'll leave with that thought and I hope it talks to people.

God Bless.

P.S: If you read this and feel I missed something out from the talk, don't be afraid to comment.

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